New Hampshire Modern Quilt Guild
January 9, 2024, General Membership Meeting Recap
The meeting was led by Helen.
There were 31 members in attendance. A warm welcome to new members here tonight: Meghan R, Mary K, and Barbara B; and welcome back to Jennifer.
Thank you, Sonia, Carol K, and Mary Ellen, for attending the door and welcome table!
Thank you to Mary Ellen and everyone who brought food!
Raffle Winners
Leslie won the door prize, spools of Mettler thread and a seam ripper.
Jennifer won the raffle for the Cheryl Ann Design Wall.
Marie won the raffle for the Shine by Sweetwater FQ bundle by Moda.
Helen thanked the three 2024 Board members who stepped down this year: Susie, Marie, and Brenda, and gave them thank you cards.
Helen (continuing President) introduced the additional 2025 Board members and standing Committee chairs:
Board members:
Vice-Presidents for Programming/Events: Susan Hardy and Laurie Kofstad (continuing)
Vice-Presidents for Communications: Amanda Ketchersid and Lorri Wurtzler (new)
Treasurer: Sonia Gilmore (new)
Secretary: Mary Lou Soczek (continuing)
Committee Chairs:
Retreats:Ophelia (continuing) and Shelly (new)
Charity: Carol K, Julie, and Leslie (continuing)
Hospitality: Mary Ellen (continuing)
Helen invited the Committee chairs to attend the next Board meeting in February. Details will be sent to them soon.
Helen described how the Board and Committees often have tasks with which they would love to have the help of other guild members. Robin, Leslie, and Brenda have offered to help with Programming. If you would like to help out in any way, please contact us.
Treasurer (Marie/Sonia)
61 members renewed their membership on time, and all 4 members on the waitlist were offered and accepted membership. There is currently one member on the 2025 waitlist: a 2024 member who did not renew on time.
- Marie handed out copies of the Guild’s 2024 Operating Budget and Official Profit and Loss Statement.
Secretary (Mary Lou)
- Nothing new to report.
Events and Programming (Laurie K, and Susan H)
Unfortunately, Laurie was unable to attend this meeting.
Susan described how we set up the room for tonight’s activity (see below).
Susan discussed the details about the annual Yard Sale coming up next month. Now is the time to clean out our sewing rooms and identify fabrics (of any size), notions, books, patterns, and recent magazines we no longer want, and make room for some great items from other members!
At the Yard Sale, you can pay by cash or check. Fabric will be $2 per pound (that’s about 3 yards of fabric). Books will be $3 each, patterns and magazines will be $1 each. Please assign a price for any notions or kits you are donating. If something you brought does not sell, you can take it home with you. Unclaimed fabric and items will be donated to the Art Department at the Merrimack High School.
Communications (Amanda and Lorri)
Amanda told us that the deadlines for the QuiltCon MiniSwap are coming soon. QuiltCon 2025 will be held February 23-25 in Phoenix this year.
Charity (Carol K, Julie, and Leslie)
Carol asked us to consider renaming the committee, because of a negative association with the word “charity.” She suggested “Comfort Closet.”
Carol asked about whether we want to design a standard Guild label for donated quilts. (We do!) She has been making and attaching a beautiful, simple label to the quilts before she donates them.
Carol described how she manages allocation of donated quilts to various organizations and individuals. Main organizations are the Sleep in Heavenly Peace project and the Merrimack Hospice House. She showed quilts made by Julie, Ophelia, and Leslie that will soon be donated.
If you want a quilt you are donating to go to a specific organization or individual, please tell Carol.
The Merrimack Hospice House prefers twin size quilts in soft, neutral colors.
The Sleep in Heavenly Peace project prefers twin quilts with matching pillow cases.
Retreats (Ophelia)
Our Spring 2025 retreat will be April 3-6 at the Franciscan Guest House in Kennebunkport, ME.
IMPORTANT: If you want to attend this retreat, please bring a check to the February meeting! Exact cost TBD, but similar to last year.
Our Fall 2025 Retreat will be Nov 13-16 at the St. Methodios Center in Contoocook, NH.
Hospitality (Mary Ellen)
Mary Ellen thanked all the members who have volunteered to bring food and beverages to meetings. She has a few open slots for upcoming months, and will being a sign up sheet to the next meeting.
Brenda showed us our completed QuiltCon 2025 Community Outreach challenge quilt: “Modern Strata.” Thank you to everyone who helped with this project. It will be on its way to QuiltCon 2025 soon!
Ophelia told us that Chelsea had her baby, a boy!
Before going to the hospital, Chelsea donated some professional photographic equipment to the Guild, and dropped it off at Ophelia’s house. Anyone who would like to take nice photos of their quilts should contact Ophelia to set up a time to visit her studio.
Captions below photos give details for each project or quilt.
Mary Lou showed her 2023 Temperature Quilt, which she designed. She said it was a lot of work!
Robin showed her FPP Dragonfly Dance quilt, pattern by Whole Circle Studio.
Beth showed us a bowl cozy she made with the seams between sections embroidered in gold thread, honoring the Japanese “Kintsugi” art form of repairing broken pottery with gold lacquer. This technique highlights the imperfections rather than trying to hide them.
Lori B showed us two black and white quilts she made from Michelle C’s Warm and Cool pattern.
Ophelia showed us her colorful The Traveler quilt made with Marcia Derse fabrics.
Patty M showed us her delicate Circle quilt, pattern from Cheryl Brickey’s Just Two Charm Packs book.
Marie showed us a pouch she made. She had made a mistake when making this pouch, and joked that she could make another in less time that it took to repair this one, but she repaired it anyway!
Raya showed us her Ornamental Quilt, pattern by Modern Quilt Studio. The on-point squares look like icicle ornaments on a Christmas tree.
Raya also showed us her sequence of attempts to make a block with wonky squares, as part of her Block Studies work with Tara Faughnan. It’s hard for quilters to sew uneven lines!
Shelly showed her applique quilt with ducks and an umbrella.
Michelle C showed us a tote bag she made with the delightful Alice in Wonderland fabric by Rifle Paper Co
Thank you so much for telling us the names of the quilts and pattern designers for your masterpieces. It makes it easy to compile these Show & Tell notes and serves as a great resource for all of us!
Please note that when we were adding links to raffle prizes and quilt patterns and books, we tried to link them directly to the pattern or book designers’ webpages, but sometimes we couldn’t find the original sources and put links to popular online commerce sites that carry these products. We are not endorsing any particular commerce sites – most items can be found from multiple sources.
Sewing with Cork fabric
Separate tables had displays:
Finished cork projects, including bags and wallets
Laptops with videos of how cork is harvested
Samples of cork with rubber stamps and pens for decorations
Samples of cork and supplies for making key chains
We learned how cork is made from the renewable layer of bark from cork oak trees, grown mostly in Portugal. The trees can live over 200 years, and cork can be harvested every 9 years or so from individual trees. Very little waste is produced in the manufacturing processes of a wide variety of cork products. With the right sewing needle (Microtex) and pressor foot (Teflon), sewing with cork can be easy and fun.
Please post quilts, questions, and any other quilt-related information on our private member FaceBook group. To join, click here.
Our guild email address is:
See you next month!
--Amanda, Lorri W, and Mary Lou
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