Sunday, July 7, 2024

July Meeting and Raffle Items

This month's meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11.

This month is our annual Ice Cream Social at Greeley Park so the meeting will be starting early at 6:30 pm!

Bring a lawn chair, insect repellant, and your Show and Tell items.

We will be meeting on the west side of Concord Street, near the bathrooms, across the street from the pavilion, near the “Sensory Gardens.” Look for the balloons and friendly faces! If there is bad weather in the forecast, be sure to check your email before heading to Greeley Park – we may be meeting in the church instead.

Use this location if you're using Google maps for a close approximation of the area we'll meet at -

 Raffle items for the month are: 

#2 Tula Pink Oliso M3Pro Project iron

Online raffle sales will close at noon on July 10 - you can still purchase raffle tickets at the July 11 meeting using cash or check!

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