Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July Meeting Recap

New Hampshire Modern Quilt Guild

July 11, 2024 General Membership Meeting Recap


This meeting was our annual ice cream social event. It was fantastic! We moved the event from Greeley Park to the Church because of the oppressive heat and humidity (and active Heat Advisory). Many members expressed thanks to the Board for making this decision.

The meeting was led by Helen.

There were 29 members in attendance.

We had one guest: Clara, Helen’s sister.

Thank you!

  • Thank you, Helen, Mary Lou, Marie, and Sonia, for attending the door and welcome table.

Raffle Winners

General Issues

  • Helen thanked all the members who filled out our membership survey. We will be providing a detailed presentation of the results at the next meeting. 

However, we wanted to address one question that came up: The composition of the Board of Directors, and their roles. Helen introduced herself as President, who sets our agenda and guides our mission, and asked each other Board member to introduce themselves:

  • Marie is our Treasurer. She handles all membership issues and Guild finances.

  • Mary Lou is our Secretary. She takes minutes at monthly Board meetings and does the first pass at the general meeting recaps.

  • Brenda and Susie B are our VPs of Communications. They manage all the emails, and website, FaceBook, and Instagram postings. They monitor the Guild email account. They take pictures at meetings, and finish up the meeting recap started by Mary Lou. Brenda closely monitors what’s happening with our parent guild, the MQG.

  • Susan H and Laurie K are our VPs of Programming and Events. They plan and purchase materials for the raffles and door prizes, and plan the main meeting activities.

  • Helen reminded members of one of the important issues with maintaining our membership in the MQG and maintaining our non-profit status: No self-promotion of goods and services. We want to celebrate your successes, including magazine articles, books contracts, and embarking on new adventures, but we have to be careful not to promote any particular businesses. If you have any questions before announcing something, please ask Helen.

Treasurer (Marie)  Nothing significant to report (NSTR).

Secretary (Mary Lou)  NSTR.

Events and Programming (Laurie K, and Susan H)

  • Next month’s activity will have an Olympics theme. Members will form groups and complete some fun activities. Will anyone win any medals? Come and find out!

  • We will have a guest speaker for the September meeting, Jen Sorensen.

  • And of course our 10th Anniversary Celebration is coming up in October - don't forget to be working on your challenge mini quilt!

Communications (Brenda and Susie)

  • Going forward, any materials handed out or presentations given at meeting activities will be provided in a password-protected webpage. The password will be in emails from the guild.

  • Thanks to everyone who provided ideas and voted for designs for the QuiltCon 2025 Community Outreach challenge quilt. The winning design is “Lines Galore,” designed by Brenda! Brenda is writing up instructions for components of the quilt, and will hand out kits next month.

Other News from the Modern Quilt Guild

  • The MQG is holding a Town Hall meeting on Zoom open to all members on July 18, 2024 8:00 PM EDT. MQG Board President Aleeda Crawley and Executive Director Karen Cooper will give the annual update on MQG activities, with a Q&A session at the end. Click here to register.

  • Registration for classes and lectures at QuiltCon 2025 in Phoenix (February 20-23, 2025) will open on July 31, 2024 at 10 AM EDT. Many hundreds of members will be trying to register that morning: See Brenda for tips on how to improve your chances at getting registered for the events you want.

  • MQG announced a new free webinar on Negative Space in modern quilts

Charity. No update.

Retreats (Ophelia)

  • Our Fall Retreat will be held November 7-10, 2024 at the St. Methodius Center in Contoocook, NH. It’s about an hour’s drive from Nashua. There are several lodging options, and for some options, the costs will be a little higher for this retreat than our most recent ones because all meals will be included, from dinner on Thursday to Breakfast on Sunday.

  • To keep costs down, instead of the gifts we have been providing, we will offer optional clothing items that you may purchase before the retreat, which will be available at the retreat.

  • The lodging options and approximate costs are as follows:

Room Options

3 nights, 8 meals

2 nights, 5 meals

Hotel, single



Hotel, double



Cabin (6+)



  • Retreat signups have begun. Ophelia distributed handouts for members at the meeting to indicate their interest and desired lodging options. Please look for an email with more details, plus information on how to sign up, choose lodging options, and indicate if you have any dietary restrictions/requests for the kitchen.

  • If are you planning to attend the retreat, please bring a check to the August meeting, or make other arrangements to pay.

  • Non-member guests will be welcome, with a $35 surcharge.

Show and Tell

Captions below photos give details for each project or quilt!

  1. Marie showed two quilts - the first was an Economy Block quilt with zebras from the Tula Pink Linework collection in the center squares.  She started this quilt during the Economy Block challenge we did in 2021.
  2. Marie also showed a blue log cabin quilt that she designed.
  3. Sarah showed a bag she made with appliqued EPP hexies.

        4. Jeannie showed us this blue table runner.
        5. Jeannie also made this pinwheel quilt.
        6. And another blue and orange table runner! For all three, she designed and completed the quilting.

        7. Beth L showed two bucket hats she made from a Mood Fabrics pattern.

        8. She also showed her newly quilted (by Ophelia) Mod Squares quilt from the Oh Baby! book from Bear Paw Productions made using Kaffe Fassett fabrics. We saw the effect that quilting with wool batting provided. This is an almost completed WIP.

        9. Betty showed us her Rhapsody in Reds quilt, plus two table runners she made with some leftover fabric.

        10. Ophelia showed us her fun Feeling Crabby quilt designed by Wendy Sheppard.

        11. Susie showed the Interwoven quilt she made from the Stashtastic! 2 book by Doug Leko.

        12. She also showed her Meadowland Quilt from Then Came June.

        13. Michelle C showed us a rectangles quilt she made to use of some of her stash. She has also resumed quilting some of her own quilts, and highlighted the simple lines and stars quilt patterns she used.

        14. Simone showed a knit skirt she made by copying a ready-to-wear skirt she loved.

        15. Simone modeled a dress she made, and showed another dress (Fira pattern by Liesl & Co) made with Liberty Fabrics.

        16. Raya showed a low-volume half-rectangle-squares (HRTs) quilt with lovely minky backing.

        17. Raya showed 4 placements she made using an Improv quilt-as-you-go (QAYG) method (similar to this video). She bound them using the fiber binding technique Marie showed us during last month's programming activity.

Please note that when we were adding links to raffle prizes and quilt patterns and books, we tried to link them directly to the pattern or book designers’ webpages, but sometimes we couldn’t find the original sources and put links to popular online commerce sites that carry these products. We are not endorsing any particular commerce sites – most can be found from multiple sources.

Please post quilts, questions, and any other quilt-related information on our private member FaceBook group. To join, click here.

Our guild email address is: nhmodernquilt@gmail.com.

See you next month, at the Quilting Olympics!

--Brenda, Mary Lou, and Susie

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July Meeting and Raffle Items

This month's meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11.

This month is our annual Ice Cream Social at Greeley Park so the meeting will be starting early at 6:30 pm!

Bring a lawn chair, insect repellant, and your Show and Tell items.

We will be meeting on the west side of Concord Street, near the bathrooms, across the street from the pavilion, near the “Sensory Gardens.” Look for the balloons and friendly faces! If there is bad weather in the forecast, be sure to check your email before heading to Greeley Park – we may be meeting in the church instead.

Use this location if you're using Google maps for a close approximation of the area we'll meet at - https://maps.app.goo.gl/tUJuJfAGammkoKPd7

 Raffle items for the month are: 

#2 Tula Pink Oliso M3Pro Project iron

Online raffle sales will close at noon on July 10 - you can still purchase raffle tickets at the July 11 meeting using cash or check!